2012 Archives

“Does Anyone Know What We’re Doing?”: Identifying and Solving Communication Problems in Virtual Academic Workgroups

This four person panel presentation will identify and offer solutions to common challenges facing distance academic workgroups.

Presenter(s): Henry Roehrich, Ph.D.; Jutta Catharine Pegues, Ph.D.; Cathy Taylor, JD; Walton Dees Stallings, Ph.D.

“Power Up” Project: Ensuring Student Success in Online Learning

The session explores the “Power Up” project, which ensures student success in their online/hybrid courses. The project consisted of developing four courses on Time Management, Moodle Learning Management System, Computer Hardware/Software and Guidelines for Success in Online Learning.

Presenter(s): Ms. Elahe Amani; Lynda Randall, Ph.D.

“Transformation: AstroCast” An Instructional Module

The Gemini Observatory is one of the largest and most requested astronomical research facilities in the world. The “Transformation: AstroCast” instructional module provided information on how Gemini employees can digitize existing PowerPoint presentations using Screencast technology.

Presenter(s): Callie Reed McNew

Analysis of the use of Virtual World Software to Enhance the Learning Experience for Fashion Students

This study will develop and analyze the use of virtual world immersive software, Second Life™ (SL), to enhance the learning experience for fashion students in a classroom setting and compare this to traditional methods of teaching.

Presenter(s): André Julian West, Ed.D.

Applying Delta Theory to analyze online communities

Delta theory explains how influence causes the change in others (Tharp, 2011). Delta theory was developed through a synthesis and integration of Tharp works and studies in the setting of many cultures in which the theoretical frameworks were used for research in psychology, sociology, anthropology, evolution theory, philosophy, psychoneurology, cognitive science and cultural-historical-activity theory.

Presenter(s): Hery Yanto The

Authentic Online Learning

A cohort of 13 UHCC CTE faculty members are creating sustained authentic learning experiences using Google Sites, Google Documents, Blackboard Collaborate and Ning. This session will provide an overview of the project and provide insight into how authentic learning activities can be developed for online learning.

Presenter(s): Greg Walker, Ph.D.

Avatars’ Informational Preferences in a Virtual World

This study examined the informational preferences of avatars (students) who were members of a class that met online in the virtual world of Second Life.

Presenter(s): Dr. Mark Mabrito

Basic AR and Education

The goal of this course is to familiarize the target audience with the basics of Augmented Reality, to show them examples of how AR is being used in educational settings, and to have the experience of using an AR app to create a group final project.

Presenter(s): Marisa Yamada

Regional Speaker – Becoming Digitally Literate

This presentation will consider the notion of the digital university and what it means to be digitally literate. Students, and their teachers, share common goals to succeed in Higher Education. However the definition of success is complex.

Presenter(s): Simon Walker

Best Practices of Effective Student Mentor

Student mentoring is can be a highly effective way to successfully guide/support online learners. In this presentation, the presenter will explain the best practices of effective mentoring and why online teaching environments should have mentors.

Presenter(s): Candice Allen

Bridging the Gap between Students and Virtual Library Instruction

This presentation will demonstrate how Adobe Connect combined with Springshare provides an interactive learning environment virtually. The presentation will demonstrate how students practice keyword searches, receive immediate feedback, handouts, and a recording of the session to refer to later to address various learning styles.

Presenter(s): Alys Jordan

Bringing Innovative Tools and Resources to Your Desktop

This interactive session focuses on the online resources created by and for administrators, faculty, staff, and students to support innovation, professional development, collaboration and research through the League’s iStream community site. The overview highlights favorite uses of the resources by current iStream subscribers.

Presenter(s): Cheri Jessup

Building Online Special Collections for the Bryant & Stratton College Virtual Library

This presentation will discuss the development of several digital and virtual special collections created as part of the Bryant & Stratton College Virtual Library in order to serve the information needs of specific sub-groups of patrons.

Presenter(s): Cheri Jessup

Collaboration Beyond Time and Virtual Space

This session features a collaboration in virtual worlds between faculty, schools and students of all ages as they showcase highlights from their virtual world projects using emerging media. The projects include a Mayan Temple, a vision of the future and interaction design projects.

Presenter(s): Dr. Cynthia M. Calongne

Communicating Change

Suggestions on how to facilitate a university-wide implementation of technology will be examined in the context of UAA’s recent upgrade of its learning management system. This talk will cover the planning, communication, training, and documentation that enabled a smooth transition in January, 2012.

Presenter(s): Lee Henrikson

Computer Security Strategies: An Instructional Design Approach

Computer security can be a completely foreign concept for adolescents, but one that will become more relevant as they grow older. Recent cyber-attacks highlight that computer security is an essential practice that remains neglected. In this instructional design study, the ARCS model was utilized to evaluate a web-based text/computer game module’s effectiveness in teaching basic computer security strategies to sixth graders.

Presenter(s): Adam Tanare Jr.

Connecting Students, Faculty and Administrators through Online SMS

King Saud University (KSU) created a group online SMS service, developed in house, to connect administrators, faculty and students.

Presenter(s): Prof. Reima Al-Jarf

Connecting with Students through the Instructor Bio

Teaching in the online venue requires the instructor to put an individual “fingerprint” on their course prior to learners attending. One of the most powerful ways to orchestrate this is though the posting of the instructor bio. The goal of this session is to identify best practices when writing a faculty biography.

Presenter(s): Melissa Holmberg, Ph.D.; Therese Kanai, Ph.D.

Constructing a Virtual Healthcare Environment

At Seton Hall University, the corresponding interest between faculty in the Department of Political Science and Public Affairs and the College of Nursing in employing virtual world simulations has led to the opportunity to design, build, and utilize a hospital building within the virtual world environment Second Lifeâ„¢.

Presenter(s): Jamesetta A. Halley-Boyce, Ph.D., RN, FACHE; Anne M. Hewitt, Ph.D.; Riad Twal, EdS

Contract Renewal, Tenure, and Promotion – a Web Based Faculty Resource

Consistent with the University’s promotion criteria, candidates for promotion and tenure are to have demonstrated accomplishments in the areas of teaching, scholarship and/or extension, outreach, and/or other forms of service. This resource module provided information to support the College of Pharmacy (CoP) faculty on the criteria for assessment of their contract renewal, tenure, and promotion application at the University of Hawaii at Hilo (UHH).

Presenter(s): Kristi Kaniho

Creative Crossroads: Learning Partners Collaborate

The presenter focuses on collaboration between learning partners as demonstrated with two online activities that display the use of effective (though not necessarily the most current) Internet tools. Students may choose whatever media they prefer for accomplishing the activity.

Presenter(s): Dr. Selia Karsten

Creative Infusion: When Academia Meets Creativity

This general session seeks to explore the incorporation of creativity in online courses, specifically focusing on creative approaches to course design in the humanities field.

Presenter(s): Jennifer Harrison; Crystal Hofegartner

Creative Learning in a Virtual Wet Lab

Our demonstration will explore creative uses of conducting a virtual wet lab within a virtual world. By controlling time and manipulating the process of lab assembly, we can take advantage of the efficiency of an image that summarizes data in a way that enables our students to become participants within that image as they interact with the data in 3D.

Presenter(s): Donald Bickley Jr; Julie Fronzuto, Ph.D.

Designing and Evaluating an Online Resource Site for Distance Educators

Information technology brings new efficiency and connectivity to the world and educators are leveraging these innovations to create enhanced virtual learning environments. The purpose of this instructional design project was to develop and evaluate a resource website that provides support for instructors teaching online.

Presenter(s): Billy Meinke

Designing Holograms as Learning Spaces in Virtual Worlds

Imagine a world in which students can visit a scene from a book, a moment in history or a lab environment and use interactive objects and artificial intelligence for guided or asynchronous learning. This session demonstrates how to design and integrate learning scenes into an open source virtual Holodeck device.

Presenter(s): Dr. Cynthia M. Calongne

Developing Digital Awareness: Are We Forgetting our Staff?

This presentation intends to inform the challenges faced during the planning, development, implementations, and reviews of an e-Strategy in AME and AMT to facilitate digital support, collaboration, understanding and personal development to enhance the teaching and learning agendas in all three subject areas, and to update about the lessons learned and good practices attempting to close the gap in the “academic digital divide” within the faculties.

Presenter(s): Dr. Maria Rodriguez-Yborra

Digital Detours: A Menu of Solutions for when Technology Fails

This year one of our tasks was to generate a list of practices that faculty at our institution invoke when technology stops working. We have focused our attention on the solutions that have been used for Blackboard, Elluminate Live, and email. We then took these solutions and classified them as proactive or reactive solutions, the ease of implementation, and the types of resources necessary.

Presenter(s): Debbi Canavan; Katherine Walker; Kathleen Voge; Cindy Trussell, Ph.D.

Digital Dirt: How to Survive and Thrive in a World with Social Media

The rampant usage of social media can have both positive and negative ramifications in the gaining employment. Searching for digital dirt is one aspect of this change and is now a common part of the employment process. This presentation will provide an overview of digital dirt and examine the benefits, pitfalls, and best practices of students’ use of social media.

Presenter(s): Erica Arnold-Wyche; Michele Hinton Riley

Doing Ed Tech Research in Elementary Schools

There are over 67,000 elementary schools in the United States. Technology innovations in these schools affect millions of students’ educational experience and have the potential to influence their futures. Two University of Hawaii doctoral students are advancing research projects that will involve 3rd grade students.

Presenter(s): Ms. Julie Bradley; Michael J. Herrick

Effectiveness of an instructional design module on educating 6th graders on the topic of Cyberbullying

With the exponential increase in accessible and relatively inexpensive technology such as cell phones and net books, cyberbullying has also increased, particularly among youths in the United States. To combat this growing problem it is necessary to educate this vulnerable population about digital citizenship, and how to recognize cyberbullying and what youths should do if they encounter it. A web-based instructional design module was created to educate 6th and 7th grade students at a local middle school on the topic of cyberbullying.

Presenter(s): LeeAnna Kobayashi

Effectiveness of discussion forum on supporting the learning of Amazon Kindle functionality and usability: Preliminary Results

The purpose of this mix-method study is to identify effectiveness of the Amazon Kindle Discussion Forum (AKDF) on supporting the learning of Kindle functionality and usability.

Presenter(s): Hery Yanto The

Evaluating a Web-Based iPad Tutorial for Teachers

With advances in technology, schools are starting to integrate technology into the classroom. However, technology training is not often provided to teachers. This paper describes the results of designing and evaluating a web-based module designed for public school teachers in Hawaii to teach them the basics of using an iPad.

Presenter(s): Serena Muranaka

Facebooking in Distance Education: Constructing Virtual Communities of Practice

As the popularity of distance education grows, educators face increasing challenges to offering quality instruction that accommodates the changing needs and expectations of today’s tech savvy distance learners.

Presenter(s): Virginia Tucker

Forgetful Students Use Facebook

The purpose of this action research project is to examine Facebook’s effect on the attitudes and frequency of turning in grade checks in a sophomore study hall class at a private high school on Oahu, Hawai’i.

Presenter(s): Alana Anuhea Nakahara

Four by Six; Helping Students and Teachers Move to Web 2.0 Tools

This session will explain a process that has been used successfully with both students and teachers. The presenter has used this format with university students in a technology integration course and achieved a high use success rate when the students move to the teaching experience.

Presenter(s): Cristine G. Goldberg, Ed.D.

Getting Students to Think Creatively!

Penny Lorenzo discusses the benefits of students collaborating in their studies.

Presenter(s): Penny Lorenzo, JD

Going Paperless: Advantages & Challenges of the Paperless Classroom

This presentation will focus on the advantages and challenges of an electronic classroom. The presentation is applicable to instructors who teach online, face-to-face, and/or hybrid classes.

Presenter(s): Derek Snyder

Googleries, oui oui!

At Coastline Community College, twenty self-selected learners of French language and culture online have been afforded training and encouragement to use seven freely available Google tools in their target language as enhancements to their study.

Presenter(s): Katherine Watson

Growing Online Education and Use, Sedentary Lifestyles, Rising Obesity and Overweight Rates: Are there connections?

In this thought-provoking general session conference presentation and interactivity, participants will learn more about the potential connections between online education, sedentary lifestyles and the rising obesity and overweight rates. In addition participants will have the opportunity to explore some of their own experiences with online education, a sedentary lifestyle and find ways to incorporate activity reminders and activity into their semester courses along with suggestions for including wellness programs as a resource for online students.

Presenter(s): Kirsti A. Dyer, MD, MS

Hawaiian Archipelago CMS Module

There is a deficiency in the teaching of the Hawaiian Archipelago especially with regard to the Northwest Hawaiian Islands. The online course is necessary to further the education and dialog about the islands’ geography and significance.

Presenter(s): Kalewa Correa; Davileigh Kahealani Nae`ole; Kehau Souza

Hello? Is Anybody out there? Enhancing Student Weblog Interaction with Tumblr in Any Classroom

The goal of this workshop is to share with fellow educators tips and tricks for leveraging the best of what Tumblr has to offer as a replacement for traditional weblog and social media sites. Educators will leave the workshop having the skills to implement Tumblr in their class. Tumblr could be used in any content area where a weblog or social media activity is used or anticipated.

Presenter(s): Emma Harber White, J.D., M.A.

Hidden Agenda

Use of an online professional development workshop introduces faculty to Quality Matter rubrics, Web 2.0 tools, and other concepts under the guise of a student learning a task. By using a workshop to teach the use of a Learning Management System (Blackboard), faculty is experiencing the technologies and concepts first hand as part of their own learning experience.

Presenter(s): Nan Klenk, MSET

How to Make Online Language Courses more Interactive

This presentation shows how to incorporate audio/visual-based interactive materials into the online environment. The presentation will show how to make such materials, explain what software is needed, and show how to integrate these materials into course management systems such as Blackboard.

Presenter(s): Satoru Shinagawa

Hybrid Mini Course to Increase Quantitative Literacy in Science Education

There is an increased need for students to demonstrate quantitative literacy – be able to analyze and interpret data. This mini hybrid course aims to teach quantitative literacy concepts and skills necessary to help students make sense of real-world situations.

Presenter(s): Nan Ketpura-Ching; Davilla Riddle; Kevin Takayama

Impact of Marine Debris on the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

The coral reefs and marine life of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands represent nearly 70% of the United States coral reef system and are currently endangered from multiple stressors. This instructional module delivered information about the impact of marine debris in an easy to navigate website that also utilized videos and images to demonstrate the concepts.

Presenter(s): Vanessa Rodgers

Implementing a Flipped Classroom: An Instructional Module

“Flipped” classrooms are shifting the way teachers provide instruction by inverting traditional teaching methods to engage students in the education process. Through this study, a web-based instructional module was developed to provide this information to prospective teachers interested in implementing a “flipped” classroom.

Presenter(s): Dean Shimamoto

Information Literacy for Electronic Resources

Effective library instruction can improve academic performance and was traditionally delivered in a classroom environment. In order to determine the need for delivering library instruction with online instructional modules, a needs assessment was conducted to identify common themes, gaps, strengths, weaknesses, and preferences pertaining to student usage of online library resources.

Presenter(s): Laureen Kodani

Instructional Strategies for Online Discussions

The session will present best practices in using online discussions from related literature, from the presenter’s personal experience in teaching 100 online courses since 2000, and from actual student feedback in those courses.

Presenter(s): John Thompson

Integrating Facebook Into Distance Education and Online Learning Environments

Completion rates of distance education and online courses and programs have seen a decline. This may be due to feelings of isolation and the lack of support, interaction, and social presence. Facebook, the popular social networking tool, was examined because of its enormous user base, ease of use among students, and potential to build online communities.

Presenter(s): Macy J. Ring

Integrating Screencasts into Workplace Training

With the hundreds of unique tasks involved in entering data into the University of Hawaii Student Information System (SIS), there are issues with inaccurate data and improper training. Integrated appropriately, screencasts can help authorized staff learn the correct procedures for entering data into the SIS. This paper reports on a small instructional design study where a group of authorized staff were shown how to perform three unique tasks from three different screencasts.

Presenter(s): Rogelda Hayslip

Introduction to Animation

Hawaii’s population suffer from a lack of educational programs which will prepare them with skills for the jobs that are created on these islands and on the continental United States. This project intends to create an Introduction to Animation course to support Hawaii’s economy, workforce development and improve access and flow of education in Hawaii.

Presenter(s): Monica Sena e Silva Boon; Helen Ewing, DHSc

Languages and Translation Student Club Groups on Facebook

Students surveyed indicated that the Facebook serves as a bulletin board for following up the department news and activities in a quick and easy way. The can access it from their smart phones and use the Facebook instant chat to organize activities and post messages. Results will be reported in detail.

Presenter(s): Prof. Reima Al-Jarf

Learning Pronunciation of Chinese Surnames, Proper Salutations and Useful Greetings Using VoiceThread

An online instructional module was created following instructional design principles to help global citizens acquire the basics of the Chinese language and culture. The module teaches adult learners how to correctly pronounce ten of the most commonly mispronounced Chinese surnames, proper salutations and useful greetings using VoiceThread.

Presenter(s): Meilene Roco

Making Connections: Bridging the Distance Learning Gap in Mathematics

This presentation will review proactive approaches that motivate and encourage student participation with a focus on strategies for increased student success through learner and instructor interactions and effective discourse in online distance learning environments.

Presenter(s): Betsy Duke, Ph.D.; Mark Johnston, Ed.D

Managing Issues of Safety, Privacy, Copyright, and Technological Change in Web 2.0 Instruction: Lessons Learned from Teaching a YouTube Course

In 2008, an online course called YouTube for Educators was created as an elective for a graduate program in educational technology. Some of the most critical problems of student safety, privacy, copyright, and technical change encountered during the six iterations of the course are discussed.

Presenter(s): Chareen Snelson, Ed.D.

Masking Pixels: Insights into the Design and Delivery of a Photoshop Workshop

This paper describes the development, delivery, evaluation, and assessment of a Photoshop masking workshop targeting adult learners.

Presenter(s): William Morrison

Mayan Temple Treasure Hunt

Come explore our Mayan Temple build and the Web Privacy simulations floating in Second Life and hunt for treasure.

Presenter(s): Dr. Cynthia M. Calongne

Measuring the Impact of Your Mobile Initiative

The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative’s mobile learning research brought together a collection of best practices, case studies, and research on mobile technologies’ potential to engage students and enhance learning. We’ll review the community’s findings and institutional examples of mobility’s potential in the areas of content delivery, student collaboration, and community building.

Presenter(s): Veronica Diaz, Ph.D.

Meditation for Stress Reduction Webinar

The purpose of this instructional design project was to develop a Web page on Facebook.com and teach a webinar on the topic of meditation to change the way adults feel about stress reduction.

Presenter(s): Melissa Bachmann

Regional Speaker – Meeting the Social and Cultural Needs of Online Learners

rawing on early research in theories of Interaction, Social Presence, and Culture, this presentation will suggest strategies and guidelines for meeting the social and cultural needs of students. The audience in this session will be encouraged to share strategies that they have used to encourage successful class interactions and collaborations involving students from diverse backgrounds.

Presenter(s): Dr. Marina McIsaac

Military time: Time management as a success factor among military students taking an online course

There are many success factors that a military college student must adapt and use effectively in order to graduate. The research questions of this study intended to analyze main time management strategies and organizational tools as a success factor that the military students use to maintain satisfactory academic performance while being involved in their military service and personal/family responsibilities.

Presenter(s): Francisco V. Jumawan, M.Ed.; Eduard Merc, MBA, MSIS

Keynote – mLearning: Making Learning Personal and the Long View of Educational Transformation

In this conversation, we will explore the evolution of technology and the movement towards a more mobile, personal experience.

Presenter(s): Mark Hines

One Tech Tool a Week

This presentation describes an informal course that will introduce students to several different tools for creating screencasts, presentations, and animations. Students will get the chance to use some of these tools to create various products.

Presenter(s): Gayle Anbe; Gavon Wong; Ross Uedoi; Susan St John

OpenCourseWare and Open Educational Resources: Forward to Credentialed Learning Outcomes?

OpenCourseWare (OCW), one part of Open Educational Resources (OER), is now past its first decade. This paper will explore the potential of this future movement and the possible implications for lifelong learning.

Presenter(s): Jason G. Caudill, Ph.D.

Opening an ICT Post-Graduation Curricular Unit to web 2.0: an exploratory study

The main purpose of the paper is to present an exploratory study about the case of an ICT Post-Graduation Curricular Unit previously taught in closed Learning Management System which was opened to Web 2.0 and social networks in one of the modules.

Presenter(s): João Paz

Organic Gardening: An Online Course Design

The purpose of this online course design project was to teach gardeners throughout the state of Hawaii organic methods for pest, weed, and plant disease control, as well as methods and best practices for creating and using composted material for natural fertilizer.

Presenter(s): Jordan Day; Rachel Kirkland

Overcome the Distance: Integration of Technology Tools in Health Science Programs

The purpose of this paper is to report on the experiences of implementing two types of technology tools to meet the needs of faculty in the Physical Therapy (PT) program at Arcadia University.

Presenter(s): Yu-Chun Kuo

Preparing a Classroom Lesson Plan

This course is designed to introduce students to the foundational theories and practices of a classroom prepare lesson plan.

Presenter(s): Yu-Chun Kuo

Privacy is a Myth

An Information Accountability and Web Privacy Strategies class characterizes the research initiatives and asks questions regarding the impact of social media on privacy. They will cover the process and the implications of their findings while inviting attendees to offer their insights and questions.

Presenter(s): Dr. Cynthia M. Calongne

Problem-based Learning applied to Team Environments: Visual Lit Review and Exercise

The purpose of the literature review is to document observations and research findings about the value of problem-based learning (PBL) experiences, especially for programs in Information Technology education.

Presenter(s): Barbara Lynn Lauridsen, A.B.D.

Promoting Continuous Quality in Online Teaching Implementing A Comprehensive Faculty Development Program

Experienced e-learning faculty members share strategies for implementing a comprehensive faculty development program essential to the continued quality improvement of teaching skills and abilities. The faculty development program of focus in this article is a departmental-specific effort to foster and sustain quality, referred to as the “META Model”.

Presenter(s): Eileen Dittmar, Ph.D.; Holly McCracken

Providing Qualitative Feedback in Online Teaching with Minimal Effort, yet Reaping Great Benefits

As a faculty member teaching online, do you want to provide qualitative feedback for your students, yet be able to provide it with less time and effort? If so, this forum is for you! The goal of this session is to provide an overview and some tips to use in the classroom to obtain the greatest benefit of the time you invest in providing feedback for subjective, written assignments.

Presenter(s): Brooke Estabrook-Fishinghawk

Recording: Badge-Based Learning and 21st Century Skills

In his pre-conference session, Jonathan Finkelstein — founder of LearningTimes and Director of the BadgeStack Project — explored the potential for badge-based learning. He also provided a preview of the ways in which TCC attendees and presenters will be earning badges — the first time digital badges will be awarded during an online conference.

Presenter(s): Jonathan Finkelstein

Second Grade Students’ Perceptions of Blogging

An action research study was conducted at an Oahu public school, where second grade students’ perceptions of their first-time use of blogging in a health lesson were gathered.

Presenter(s): Jenny Ka’ipoleimanu Kam-lein Tanaka

Keynote – SMILE (Stanford Mobile Inquiry-based Learning Environment)

SMILE consists of an open source mobile learning application and mobile interaction management system. This presentation introduces the SMILE learning model and shares a unique set of findings from SMILE implementation studies from around the world.

Presenter(s): Dr. Paul Kim

Social Media In Online Higher Education: Conducting Live Twitter Chat Sessions

The goals of this session include providing participants with: an introduction to the Twitter chat format; a description of the logistics and components required for facilitating a live event; examples of the multiple ways in which Twitter chats are currently being used by educators; and more. Participants will leave the session with a checklist of the information and tools required to set up their own live chat sessions via Twitter.

Presenter(s): Laura Milligan; Melissa A. Venable, Ph.D.

Student Attitudes Toward the Addition of a Social Media Tool to Increase Social Presence in an Online Learning Environment

A study was conducted in the A.T. Still University Doctor of Health Sciences program to determine 1) if online graduate students perceived social presence was lacking within their Learning Management System (LMS) and 2) if these students would be interested in adding a social media tool to improve non-academic communication.

Presenter(s): Jeffrey Alexander, Ph.D.; Kathleen Mathieson, Ph.D.; Joan S Leafman, Ph.D.

Students Create Their Own eBook Textbook!

This presentation describes an innovative approach to content distribution in an undergraduate content area literacy course in which students generate an eBook for the course through research, collaboration, creativity and sharing.

Presenter(s): Thomas JC Smyth

Teaching Effective Presentation Design for the Classroom

Research has shown that presentations using slideware can be harmful to the audience’s reception of the presentation content if the slides are poorly designed. The purpose of this instructional design project was to develop and evaluate an online instructional module for teachers on the design of effective slideware presentations for the classroom

Presenter(s): Rachel Kirkland

Teaching Marine Species Identification Using Web Based Learning Modules

The purpose of this instructional design project was to develop a website to support students learning to identify Hawai’i’s reef species.

Presenter(s): John P. Coney

Teaching with Technology Centers

ETEC 214: Teaching with Technology Centers was designed to give Elementary Educators the tools that they need to easily integrate technology into their everyday schedule by creating rotational groups.

Presenter(s): Kasey Fernandez; Salynn Kam

Technology Integration & Training for Online Course Development: A Needs Assessment

Offering distance education courses helps meet the needs of a growing student body while alleviating infrastructure and scheduling conflicts. This needs assessment study surveyed faculty at a small Pacific college to determine if there is a desire and what types of support, technology integration and training are needed to convert their face-to-face courses to a successful online format.

Presenter(s): Melissa Kunitzer

The 3-Tier GICE Approach for Student Retention

GICE is a newly designed 3-tier conceptual model used to enhance retention with first term experience students.

Presenter(s): Michelle M. Reinhardt, M.A.; Barbara J. McKenna

The Case Study of the Effects Utilizing ICT Tools in Education for Health-Impaired Children

This paper examines the result and effects of an education practice utilizing ICT tools in education for health-impaired children as a special needs education in Japan. The health-impaired children’s classes were established at Osaka University Hospital children’s ward.

Presenter(s): Shiori Ueda

Regional Speaker – The de Bono LAMS Sequence Series: An Introduction to Transdisciplinary Learning Design

In this presentation, the five interlocking de Bono LAMS sequences are introduced as a new form of transdisciplinary Learning Design.

Presenter(s): Dr. Eva Dobozy

The Fifth Dimension-How Augmented Reality is Launching Worlds within our World

This paper discusses the current building of augmented reality blended with visual searches, facial recognition technology and real time data, and the inevitable arrival of the 5th dimension. It investigates the human clout or how to measure individual “spectrum” rights when your virtual encounters and identity are extracted and used to teach the world.

Presenter(s): Desiree DePriest, Ph.D.

The Research on How High School Students interact on SNS during the class – Case study of Japanese High School

This research focuses on how using new technology affect high school students’ learning outcomes. The class of field working was chosen as a target class and while students were doing fieldwork, they communicated on Face book using ipad. This research clarifies how students communicated on SNS.

Presenter(s): Jumpei Tokito

The Research on Using Social Media in International Collaborative Learning – Case study of Japan and Cambodia

With the rapid progress of globalization, “cross-cultural understanding” has been paid attention in the field of education. At Kansai University, conducts some international collaborative learning projects to promote cross-cultural understanding. Cambodia Project is of these projects and this project organized by students who have the same objectives.

Presenter(s): Seiichi Hirakawa

Twitter: What We Learned from Elementary School Teachers

The discussion will describe the steps for setting up a Twitter account and will identify potential people and organizations to follow. The discussion will also identify the most helpful Twitter hash tags for education. Instructors will be shown how to approach their Twitter activities in an organized and focused manner.

Presenter(s): Anita Whitby, J.D.; Annette Whitby, J.D.

UHH Boat Operations; Basic Research Techniques Through Instructional Videos

The instructional videos, UHH Boat Operations – Basic Research Techniques, is a new project. The videos were created to describe the research and teaching capabilities of the university’s research vessels to new students.

Presenter(s): Michael Childers

Using Audio and Video Tools to enhance adult student learning: the case of an Information Technology masters degree program capstone course

Audio-video tool in use in a Golden Gate University masters level capstone course is discussed; the tool is narrated PowerPoints. Instruction in this course is presented using narrated PowerPoints in both online and face to face versions of that course. Students may elect to use the same technologies in selected situations.

Presenter(s): Robert Fulkerth; Dr. Mona L. Sabuco, MBA

Using Dance to Promote Learning in Online Classes

How can we use DANCE to promote learning in online classes? How about creating quick and easy videos that are to the point and help to guide and direct students and learning activities? Try a little edutainment through the use of Xtranormal.

Presenter(s): Dr. Risa Blair

Using E-Readers To Increase Literacy Skills with Learning Disabled Students

We examined a new form of technology, e-readers, to find if they increased literacy skills on low-level secondary school students. Our findings showed that there was a significant increase in reading time when learning disabled students used e-readers.

Presenter(s): Christine Bellini; Meeta Joseph

Using Facebook to Build and Sustain a Community of Online Learners: A Deweyan Perspective

The presenter gives a brief overview of John Dewey’s (1916) constructivist perspective on communication; assesses the strengths and weaknesses of Facebook from a Deweyan perspective; and recommends ways online educators can make the best use of social media to facilitate communication with and among their students.

Presenter(s): Kelvin Stewart Beckett, Ph.D.

Using Skype in an Online Classroom

When teaching in an online venue a tool such as Skype is important allowing learners in this environment to feel a connection with classmates. Creating this “real life” connection for students causes them to be successful enjoying the learning process.

Presenter(s): Melissa Holmberg, Ph.D.; Therese Kanai, Ph.D.

Using Teamwork in an Online Course: Five Useful Strategies

How does teamwork in an online class change the course dynamics? What are the benefits of using teamwork in an online course? In addition to participants sharing from their experiences, five strategies for using teamwork will be highlighted.

Presenter(s): Leanne Chun; Lani Uyeno

Using the CRAAP Test to Evaluate Websites

Anyone can create a website about anything, so it is important for students to learn how to determine if a website is a credible source. “Using the CRAAP Test to Evaluate Websites,” an online instructional module, was created as a means to teach students how to evaluate websites.

Presenter(s): Sarah K. Myhre, MLISc

Visual E-Communications to Enliven Collaborative E-Learning

This interactive session will introduce key principles of collaborative e-learning and demonstrate Visual Methods for Collaborative E-Learning using Blackboard Collaborate tools and features.

Presenter(s): Janet Salmons, Ph.D.

Visualizing Behavioral Data from a 3D Virtual Learning Environment: A Preliminary Study

This paper describes a preliminary study which attempted to apply learning analytics methods to usage data generated by students with autism spectrum disorders using iSocial, a collaborative, three-dimensional virtual learning environment.

Presenter(s): Matthew Schmidt, Ph.D.

Voulez-vous mlearn French? Le Marché App

The paper describes a website-based iPad app designed to teach simple vocabulary and pronunciation necessary to complete a produce purchase in an open-air market or marché in France.

Presenter(s): Mari Zeleznik

Web-based Training for University Faculty and Staff In Blackboard Collaborate

The purpose of this study is to provide a web-based instructional training module to assist first time users in Blackboard Collaborate.

Presenter(s): Myla C. Gumayagay

What is the Impact of TurnItIn on Reducing Unoriginal Work of Postgraduate Online Students?

The research problem was the lack of empirical research-based findings on the impact of TurnItIn on academic integrity.The findings revealed that the implementation of TurnItIn reduced unoriginal writing in postgraduate online classes.

Presenter(s): Myla C. Gumayagay

You can look fabulous in Virtual Reality

Although online education is an emerging trend, a commonly perceived disadvantage is the lack of instantaneous dialogue and a sense of community. With the support of virtual classrooms offering videoconferencing and virtual environments, this drawback is nearly eliminated. Educators can facilitate highly engaging online experiences integrating videoconferencing and virtual environments.

Presenter(s): Cynthia Foronda, Ph.D., RN; Lyndon Godsall, Ed.D

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