RT @jadesimian: A quick and dirty #sketchnote of @macurcher’s talk on techno-mobility at @tcchawaii. Good stuff! #TCC20th #conference http://t.co/ADqmNiAkJB
Hashtags Archives: tcc20th
RT @elearn4KoC: Wonderful first Regional Plenary b…
RT @elearn4KoC: Wonderful first Regional Plenary by Mark Curcher at #tcc20th. If you missed it, watch the recording. Finnish education focus=equality. TY
#TCC20th Next (Track A): Putting yourself in your…
#TCC20th Next (Track A): Putting yourself in your students’ shoes and the key to solid online course facilitation
#TCC20th Next (Track B): Creating Instructor-Made…
#TCC20th Next (Track B): Creating Instructor-Made Videos to Scaffold Learning for the Under Resourced Student
#TCC20th Next (Regional Plenary): Techno-mobility:…
#TCC20th Next (Regional Plenary): Techno-mobility: How technology-enabled distance ed opened up the world
#TCC20th Next (Track A): e-Intervention to boost t…
#TCC20th Next (Track A): e-Intervention to boost trainee teachers’ peer assessment and reflective practice
RT @edkopletko: The future of educational technolo…
RT @edkopletko: The future of educational technology trends is here: @tcchawaii #TCC20th
RT @edkopletko: The future is here! Literally: @tc…
RT @edkopletko: The future is here! Literally: @tcchawaii #TCC20th http://t.co/cLFgO2f7Fv
RT @edkopletko: THIS IS IT! The TCC 2015 Conferenc…
RT @edkopletko: THIS IS IT! The TCC 2015 Conference “Special Edition” is HERE! @tcchawaii #TCC20th Aloha from UH
RT @JulieSlavet: Wonderful campus. @UHManoaNews #T…
RT @JulieSlavet: Wonderful campus. @UHManoaNews #TCC20th @tcchawaii http://t.co/nKheKcHzwT