Asperger Syndrome is one of the most common developmental disabilities and is characterized in three developmental areas; communication, socialization and emotional/behavior difficulties (Dillon, 2007). Students with learning disabilities caused from Asperger Syndrome face many challenges in reaching educational and career goals. These challenges can derive from difficulties pertaining to social interaction in the classroom and collaboration when working in a group environment. Despite demonstrated capabilities and gifts, idiosyncratic communication, socialization, and behavior can lead to significant problems and failure for students (Dillon, 2007). Technology is available to aid instructors in creating a learning environment that provides opportunities for students with Asperger Syndrome. Instructors can incorporate this technology so that students with Asperger’s disorder can utilize their skills and interact in the classroom with peers as they work to reach their potential. By creating a community of acceptance for students with Asperger Syndrome, classmates can also demonstrate their ability to work with someone that has a learning disability. The presentation will provide a strategy as to what technology can be used and what indicators may signal the need for additional instructor intervention. The technology that will be addressed during the presentation can provide a positive learning environment for all students and enable the instructor to encourage communication and collaboration similar to what can be expected in their career field.
Dillon, M. (2007). Creating supports for college students with Asperger Syndrome through collaboration. College Student Journal, 41 (2), 499-504
The presentation will include PowerPoint slides that identify a strategic approach for faculty when considering technology in the classroom in order to create a collaborative learning environment that involves all students. Participation by the audience will be promoted though activities that include polling the audience and discussions in the text messaging area. The audience will have the opportunity to submit questions during and after the presentation in addition to offering insight as to their own practices.
A very interesting topic! I look forward to the presentation.