U.S. Virgin Islands Learning Centers: Using the Internet to Go from Poverty to Education and Jobs

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Session Description
This presentation will discuss a real world application of how the power of the Internet, combined with learning centers, can be applied to changing lives and the economy of a Caribbean territory. The U.S. Virgin Islands struggles with poverty, job scarcity, and inadequate educational attainment. Without Internet access and computer skills, those living in poverty lack the tools to better their lives and the lives of their families. Through a government sponsored project and federal grants, learning centers have been developed where Virgin Islanders can go to learn computer skills, use computers, access the Internet, gain valuable educational credentials, and ultimately obtain jobs. This project serves as an example of what can be accomplished with a vision, and it is a developing project that should be watched for results. If successful in the Virgin Islands, the model could be followed in other poverty stricken places. Those involved in education or government entities will find this presentation informative and inspiring. A discussion will follow the presentation, and questions are welcomed throughout.

United States Virgin Islands Bureau of Economic Research. (2009). Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for the United States Virgin Islands. Retrieved from http://www.doi.gov/oia/reports/upload/USVI-CEDS-2009-2.pdf
viNGN. (2012). Welcome. Retrieved from http://www.vingn.com/

Fran Gregg, Kaplan University, Online, USA
Fran GreggFran is a Composition I instructor at Kaplan University.
Galia Fussell, Kaplan University, Online, USA
Bio coming soon!

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