Creating an Online Professional Writing Course for Mid- to Late-Career Nurses

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This paper presents the results of a project to develop an online professional writing course for mid- to late-career nurses enrolled in an online bachelor’s degree completion program. Course design took into account principles of adult learning theories and attempted to provide an online learning experience that promoted self-reflection as well as connections between course material/assignments and students’ prior experience. Additionally, students were provided with targeted discussion prompts to assist in drawing connections between course material and workplace practice. Although students expressed initial concerns over the online learning environment, they eventually evaluated the course as a positive experience, as well as reporting direct connections between course material and its influence on their workplace practice.
Mark Mabrito, Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN, USA
Mark MabritoMark Mabrito is an associate professor of English at Purdue University Calumet since 1989, where he has taught courses in new media, professional writing, and web design. His research interests include new media, immersive virtual environments, workplace writing, online pedagogy, and online communication.

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2 Responses to Creating an Online Professional Writing Course for Mid- to Late-Career Nurses

  1. Curtis Ho April 22, 2014 at 12:35 am #

    Conference Proceedings Paper

  2. April 22, 2014 at 12:47 am #

    2014 TCC Proceedings Paper

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