Developing and Supporting Online Faculty: Institutions Can Do Better!

Intermediate, Advanced
Session Description
As online learning continues to grow and become a dominant force in higher education, it is time for those of us who lead and support our institution’s online programs to take a hard look at how our institutions can do better. Our initial focus has been on the development of quality online courses. The more advanced among us have established separate and distinct outside-of-class student services geared toward the unique needs of online students. Although new technological advances can help us to improve our online courses and services, most of us can do a better job at developing and supporting our most critical resource—our online faculty. Join us for a discussion on how we can go beyond the initial LMS and course development “certification” training and into a culture of continual development and support of our online faculty.
Peggy Muller, Sullivan University, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Peggy_Storm_64Peggy Storm Muller is an instructional designer, online adjunct and PhD student at Sullivan University in Louisville, KY. Sullivan is a private for-profit institution that offers career- focused education to students across the country and around the world via their online campus. Wearing three hats as ID, adjunct and PhD student, Peggy’s focus is online education and how we can make it better for both students and adjuncts. Her research interests are developing and supporting online faculty; with the belief that committed, engaged faculty have a direct impact on student success.
Anthony Piña, Sullivan University, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Anthony_Piña_64Dr. Anthony Piña is Dean of Online Studies for the Sullivan University System, Kentucky largest private University. Tony oversees the academic side of an online division offering nearly 50 online programs and 400+ courses to more than 3,000 students. Tony is author of the book “Distance Learning and the Institution” and co-editor of “Real Life Distance Education: Case Studies in Practice.” He has over 40 academic publications and more than 160 conference presentations. He serves on the editorial board of three scholarly journals. His research focuses upon administrative issues in distance education.

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