From Paper to Pixels: A Usability Study of a Tsunami Safety E-Booklet

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Session Description
More people have died in Hawai‘i from tsunamis than from hurricanes, floods, and volcanoes combined, making it our State’s most deadly natural hazard. For tsunami education to be effective, especially in younger audiences, learners must be engaged through multiple modalities. To help meet this need, a paper-based tsunami safety booklet has been modernized to an e-booklet format. Using a turtle superhero as a guide, the Hawaii tsunami safety e-booklet helps educate 3rd through 5th grade students about tsunami hazards, preparedness, evacuation, warning, and risk. A research study was designed to evaluate the content, effectiveness, and user satisfaction of the interactive e-booklet through iterative usability testing. The two rounds of testing were conducted synchronously through Google Hangout where participants “thought outloud” as they explored the e-booklet content. Additional feedback was captured asynchronously through a survey link on each page of the e-booklet. A post-study captured additional attitudinal data. Changes were made to portions of the e-booklet focusing on the participants’ recommendations to include immediate audio and visual feedback, increased control over multimedia, personalization, and gamification. Feedback from the second round of usability testing indicate that improvements made to the e-booklet augmented the overall user experience.
  • Leon Geschwind, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honoolulu, HI, USA

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One Response to From Paper to Pixels: A Usability Study of a Tsunami Safety E-Booklet

  1. April 22, 2014 at 5:32 pm #

    Aloha Leon,

    Mahalo for sharing your research. It was very helpful for me to see the evaluation process in action. I appreciated seeing the different stages of the development of the online tsunami preparedness booklet. I like the gamification aspect of the book as that is something that I plan on incorporating into my masterʻs project. Iʻm glad to have stumbled upon your session as my first TCC session.



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