Session Description
Opening up education is one of the main global trends in higher education. Open Education Resources (OERs) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) can be considered as the consequences of this trend. Over the last couple years we have been reading a lot of ideas about how OERs or MOOCs will revolutionize the higher education systems. These news or ideas led us (educators) think ‘Is it true?’, ‘Are theses MOOCs or OERs new and enduring?’ or ‘Are they just hypes and will be forgotten soon?’, ‘How will all these change the faculty roles and responsibilities?’ and so forth. This presentation tries to answer these questions based-on 30 years of experience in open and distance learning. It will also provide an insight about European and Asian reactions to the MOOCs and OER movements. #TCCPPF
About the Presenter

Cengiz Hakan Ayden, Professor
Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey
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