Multiple Methods to maximize Student Engagement in Fully Web-Based Math Courses

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Retaining students has always been a major problem in our university because of their family problems, works, weather, illness or other conflicts. These problems pose more challenges for mathematics instructors because of students’ poor attendance, high dropout, and insufficient preparation of high school graduates, and lack of motivation. In order to address such issues, we are currently developing an online model of teaching undergraduate mathematics that is purely learner-centered and it has synchronous and asynchronous communication and assessments systems. Our goal is to investigate how new technologies may significantly enhance dynamic learning environment, engage and motivate students, and help them in improving their learning and retention. These courses are delivered using Blackboard Learn as a course management system, supplemented with math oriented websites such as MyMahLab and webassign. In this presentation, we also look at how Wimba classroom, e-Board, application sharing with virtual graphic calculator, virtual tutorials, online discussion board, remotely proctored exams, recorded lessons and you tubes, MyMathLab, and webassign have improved student outcomes in our fully web-based math courses.
Om Ahuja
Om_Ahuja_64Dr. Om Ahuja is currently a tenured full Professor of Mathematics at Kent State University in U.S.A.. Earlier he served as an Associate Professor for about 13 years in six countries including U.S.A.. He Ahuja loves teaching and research in math, math education, and web education. His research interests include several areas in complex analysis, functional analysis, web-based education, and mathematics education. He has co-authored a graduate level textbook “Functional Analysis” by ‘Anshan New Age Science’ (ANS) (United Kingdom), and ‘New Age International (P) Limited, Publisher’. He has published over 110 papers in complex analysis and mathematics education. He has been an international visiting scholar at twenty-two universities in various countries including U.S.A, India, China, Turkey, and Malaysia. He has lectured or presented papers at over 85 national and international conferences and universities in several countries. Dr. Ahuja’s other international recognitions include serving as chief guest twice at two reputed universities in India and chief organizers of two national/international conferences in math and mathematics education.

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