Exploration, Engagement and Inquiry in an Online Undergraduate Course: A Case Study of Using LEGOs and Technology in Learning about Science

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Session Description
This case study explores perceptions of undergraduate teacher education students, enrolled in an online course, on types of educational experiences that foster engagement in science-related courses and impact their active participation. The use of LEGOs and technology was a vehicle to implement this inquiry. Also, the case study provides information about faculty practices perceived as positive towards science teaching, student success and increased completion rates of college students majoring in STEM disciplines. Feedback from undergraduate students provided information on how to enhance the teaching of science online. Finally, the value of this case study not only facilitates better understanding on how to increase the number of pre-service teachers interested in STEM teaching but also to increase the number of qualified STEM teachers for public schools that will teach the next generation of K-12 students.
Danilo M Baylen, University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia, USA
Danilo_Baylen_64Professor of Media and Instructional Technology at the University of West Georgia. Research interests include technology integration across the curriculum, media literacy education, visual literacy, online learning and teaching, and instructional design.
Cristine Goldberg, University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, Kentucky, USA
Bio coming soon!

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2 Responses to Exploration, Engagement and Inquiry in an Online Undergraduate Course: A Case Study of Using LEGOs and Technology in Learning about Science

  1. Curtis Ho April 22, 2014 at 12:30 am #

    Conference Proceedings Paper

  2. curtis@hawaii.edu April 22, 2014 at 1:02 am #

    2014 TCC Conference Paper Proceedings

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